Revamp your politics Imran khan

A few months back, whole of the world was caught up in the whirl of Panama Leaks – Leaks that exposed the secrete offshore accounts and properties of many capitalists arround the world and heads of the states including pakistan’s prime minister Nawaz sharif and his family. It took pakistan too by a storm. Many leading political personalities of Pakistan including Imran khan immediately asked for a probe into this matter. A committee was formed to look into the issue. But the government seemed reluctant to launch any kind of investigation against PM and his family. Imran khan who was looking for an opportunity to turn to the streets immediately called for a street protest against PM and his family. 
Now Just a few days ago when Quetta was bathed in blood – One the deadliest attack in the history of Quetta taking the lives of at least 71 people, we expected from Imran khan a response even more serious than on Panama leaks. But all we got was a consolatory tweet. Adding insult to injury some of the PTI members even suspected it as a conspiracy against their “Tehreek-e-Ahtisaab”, while a banned outfit openly claimed the responsibilty of the attack.
You often hear Imran khan criticizing the priorities of PMLN government. Priorities of Imran khan’s “Politics” are equatable with the priorities of PMLN’s “Government”. 

His perpetual support for dialogue process even after the APS massacre, condemning the attack but not the terrorists behind it and recent grant of Rs 300m  for Darul Uloom Haqqania also known as “Nursery of Jihaad”, are putting a blur filter on his ideology against terrorism. If he can lead a rally against Nawaz Sharif for rigging in the general elections, If he can lead a rally against America for killing a terrorist named Hakimullah Mehsood, then why can’t he lead a rally against terrorist organisations who have killed 50000+ Pakistanis in a span of 10 years?

While Currently his only aim seems to dethrone Nawaz sharif by hook or by crook, he should retrospect his politics of recent few years and highlight the serious issues of Pakistan.

 No other issue can be more serious than the safety of human life.

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